Clear Bag Policy in Effect for Volapalooza
Volapalooza will operate with a clear bag policy and stadium security regulations limit patrons to one clear plastic bag no larger than 12 inches by 6 inches by 12 inches or a one-gallon, clear, resealable plastic storage bag per person.
Fans will also be allowed a small clutch purse not to exceed 4.5 inches by 6.5 inches. Wallets must also conform to this size requirement.
No other bags will be allowed inside. All items, including clear bags and clutch purses, are subject to search at the gates. No items can be left or stored at the gates.
Medically necessary items must be searched. Diaper bags are not a medically necessary item. All diaper bag supplies should be carried in a clear bag.
Items NOT Permitted at Volapalooza:
- no aerosol cans
- no alcoholic beverages
- no illegal drugs
- no animals (except certified service dogs for disabled)
- no beach balls or other inflatables
- no bota bags
- no wine skins
- no bullhorns
- no noise makers
- no cameras*
- no recording devices*
- no confetti
- no fireworks
- no firearms
- no weapons
- no backpacks
- no glass bottles
- no aluminum cans
- no coolers
- no thermos containers
- no laser pointers
- no outside food or beverages (unless needed for medical purposes – must be checked at Gate D)
- no skateboards
- no roller blades
- no sticks or clubs
- no stools
- no folding chairs
- no water bottles/mugs
- no baby strollers or carriers
- no laptop computers
- no open umbrellas
- no knives or bladed devices of any length – this includes pocket knives
Any item such as knives or bladed devices will be confiscated. We will not hold these items to be picked up at a later time–they will be discarded.